Tuesday, 11 May 2010

I’m too tired to type!

I’m not giving myself a minutes rest. Sunday I ran the race for life. Now, running for me is a mean feat. I’m no runner. I’m overweight, lots! Have dodgy knees and it just does not come naturally to me at all! Still I trained hard for it and ran virtually all of it except the uphill bit!!  It was a brilliant event and I was really proud to be part of it.


Then, on Monday morning at silly o’clock 7a.m I was at a spinning class! Must remember to take my bucket next time because I was nearly sick! Although I did better this time it was still really hard work and my heart rate was going mental. It’s good for me, it’s good for me and repeat.

I could hardly do anything yesterday and fought all day not to go back to bed. I was well ready by 10 p.m and that’s really unusual for me! Never before midnight normally.

Today, I was determined to get some miles in on the bike so made myself go on it to the hairdressers and then head out for a couple of hours. I chose a hard route to help with training on hills and although the hills were a killer they felt really good and of course bombing down them is wonderful.

The weather as usual was bloomin’ changeable so I was kitted up for rain and when the sun came out I was sweating! Again all good for me. Except I had a new hydration pouch and the water in it tasted of dettle!! yuk.

Pee’ing in a field next to a well used road wasn’t too pleasant either but what is a girl to do? Is that the done thing to do? Or are you supposed to wait to find a toilet? Not sure.

But it was a bit of a struggle trying to get 4 layers up sweaty legs without showing off my derriere too much!! Lucky I wasn’t caught out.

I made my way back home along a disused railway track that Sustrans which is beautiful through the South Derbyshire countryside. I even saw a woodpecker, which was amazing !


The flat path however was not so amazing. It’s a great track but flat and constant peddling after such a hard slog was hard work. Thank goodness the scenery took my mind off it. Going through the gates along the trail gave me a welcome break though :-)

The end of the railway track meets the busy main road to Mickleover and back to cars racing about everywhere.

I use the iphone walkmeter app to monitor my route, which is ace but gobbles the battery so arrived home in time to charge it up again.

It gives you a detailed map of where you have been, time, calories burnt and average speed. I could do with a cycle computer. I shall have to speak to Santa!


l'optimiste said...

An iphone walkmeter app?? what's that? do I need one? probably - must take a squizz at it...I need a computer on my bike. I totally HAVE to know each millimeter I cycle ;o)

sounds like you are going bezzo over there! I have yet to do a proper cycle eek!

Thriving rebel said...

hi only just seem your comment. you can a cheap cycle computer from...aldi!! and off amazon. I was in aldi today I could've got you one. The app is called walkmeter. I paid 2.99 for it. It's brill but it does chew up your battery really quickly. I can get about 5 hours at a push on it out mine but you can't take calls or anwser texts as it switches it off, so I dont tend to bother while I'm out and about and check stuff when I stop. Typically my brother needed me urgently the other day but I didn't answer it as it was on silent! whoops

anyway. it has tricky altimeter graphs and shows your distance on a map. it's wicked.
i got a cycle computer as well incase my phone runs out on longer runs x

Thriving rebel said...

hi only just seem your comment. you can a cheap cycle computer from...aldi!! and off amazon. I was in aldi today I could've got you one. The app is called walkmeter. I paid 2.99 for it. It's brill but it does chew up your battery really quickly. I can get about 5 hours at a push on it out mine but you can't take calls or anwser texts as it switches it off, so I dont tend to bother while I'm out and about and check stuff when I stop. Typically my brother needed me urgently the other day but I didn't answer it as it was on silent! whoops

anyway. it has tricky altimeter graphs and shows your distance on a map. it's wicked.
i got a cycle computer as well incase my phone runs out on longer runs x